Dave Saying Nothing Negative

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Westboro Baptist Church Test

I nearly stumbled this morning in my quest to say nothing negative about anyone ever.  On Facebook I came across the following post:
"I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!!  This morning I listened to the 911 tape on newsok.com of this mother screaming for someone to help her and screaming for her babies.  and now...Westboro Baptist Church will picket the memorial for the  3 children killed in a Del City RV Fire according to a new press release!  OMG!  I AM FURIOUS!!!!"

I was furious myself after reading it, but it didn't stop there.  She went on to post:

XXXXXX The comments below are NOT from me! XXXXXX

"Warning: reading this filth may cause anger, disbelief, and heartbreak.  It is written as stated at the  website of the WBC!
They say: "these children were cut-ff in their youth by an angry God to remind Oklahomans "Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm." -Psalm 105:15
"Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure." -Psalm 2:5
The residents of fag and faux-Christian infested Oklahoma think they can stop WBC's Gospel message (repent & obey!) by vandalizing WBC property. As a result of their mistreatment of the Lord's servants and their refusal to obey the Lord, God Himself continues to kill more evil Oklahomans in His wrath! The charred remains of these children are an adumbration of the eternal fires reserved in Hell for this wicked generation.

XXXXXX The comments above are NOT from me! XXXXXX
Of course what followed was a lot of people posting their outrage about Westboro Baptist Church.  After reading it, I was left wondering if someone in my position, trying to say nothing negative about anyone ever, should just stay off of Facebook.  Then of course I thought I would also have to stop watching any news programs, or reading the newspaper, or listenting to the radio, or talking to anyone... well you see where that kind of thought leads.  I do not want to withdraw from life in order to say nothing negative.  I'm reminded of a statement I heard many years ago "It is easy to be a holyman on a mountaintop."  I of course also realized that I could simply say nothing on the facebook post, but somehow saying nothing didn't seem right to me either.  So after a little thought I posted this:
"I have a new resolution this year to say nothing negative about anyone ever, so I will simply say that this makes me proud to be an Oklahoman."
I was satisfied that I had done my civic duty AND had done it without saying anything negative about anyone.  But, my post solicited the following response:
"WE need to stand up for what we believe too.  But it can be done with grace and intelligence.  I believe there is a time to stand and fight or we will be bulldozed over."
So I left one final post on the topic:
"It is obvious to me that ANY group that would protest at the funeral of innocent children wants attention and must enjoy the reaction they get from such an outrageous act.  I am refusing to give them that satisfaction by ignoring them.  I stand with those who are proud to be Oklahomans."
Of course I realize this is only comments made on Facebook and they have no power to change anything for the family of those poor children or to change the minds of the members of the Westboro Baptist Church, but these words do indeed represent a real change in reaction from me.  You see this is just the kind of thing I would have unloaded on only a week ago.  I do not pretend to know if it is better that I didn't unload on it now, I just know it isn't the same old usual reaction I would have had.  Let me rephrase that, I did have the same reaction in terms of anger, I simply chose not to act on it in a negative way.  This may be one of the most interesting points of conversation with my support team tomorrow at our first weekly lunch meeting.  When one encounters people he truly believes are wrong and are doing harm should one refrain from negative comments about them?  Is it possible to be truly involved in life and engaged in the conversation of life without making negative comments?  I'm still not sure, however I am satisfied that my comments on this incident are sufficient to convey my position without negativity.  Lets see what the pros say?  What do you say?

1 comment:

  1. I love what you are doing.

    Some thoughts: To disagree with someone or someone's actions (or a group), is not saying something negative... so to say, "I strongly disagree with what XYZ is/are doing regarding this issue." would be in keeping with your goal. (at least, to me it would be)

    A quote that has kept me from saying negative things about people, which I wish I remembered more often goes something like
    "Be kinder than necessary, we never know the battle someone else is fighting."

    Just giving a nano-second's worth of thought toward what someone else's day/week/month/LIFE has been like shuts me up. when I remember.

    I'll say again, I love what you're doing :-)
    (and I found your blog from Sean - at the Daily Dairy of a Winning Loser)

    Good Luck

    and FWIW -- the WBC group caught my attention because they were advertising coming to Tucson after the shooting here -- saying the same thing, essentially -- be grateful for all the dead people.

    I Strongly (vehemently) disagree with what this group does, says and stands for. But - as a Christian, I know that God loves them too. Good thing it isn't up to me (!)
