Dave Saying Nothing Negative

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The End of War?

My list of questions for my support group is growing.  The minister, the counselor, the english professor and I are scheduled to meet for lunch and discussion on Friday.  Our plan is to meet every Friday.  I am to keep track of my progress and setbacks and then we will review the week together.  One of my top questions so far in this journey:
Is calling a malt stupid a negative comment about someone?  (See yesterday's blog for an explanation)  My wife of course says it is because I only called it stupid because I took the big bite that gave me a headache so the comment was really calling myself stupid.  I'm not sure I agree.  I will put it to my support team on Friday.  So picture if you will 4 grown men, 3 of them professionals sitting at lunch discussing the implications of calling a malt stupid.  I smile as I write this because I think in this world of ours that has many problems it is humorous that we 4 will be seriously discussing my malt transgression.  Perhaps you find this silly?  Perhaps you are right.  But, another part of me thinks this is really serious stuff.  Afterall if we as humans could really learn to say nothing negative about anyone ever, just think of how that might change civilization.  Many arguments would never happen.  Perhaps war itself would become impossible to wage because how could any government drum up support for their war chest if they couldn't say anything negative about anyone?  If we couldn't say anything negative about each other, maybe war would never be declared in the first place.  To think that all of this may well hinge on 4 men, a lunch, and a philosophical discussion about a malt and a brain freeze is enough to boggle the mind.  As you might gather I am still enjoying this project and I am still filled with optimism about the results.  It has been really interesting to me the incredible number of negative comments that have ran through my mind over the first 4 days of this year.  Comments that, prior to this experiment, I would have made without even thinking about their negativity.  I still think I have always been a pretty positive person, but the evidence is beginning to make me question that assumption.

1 comment:

  1. hmmmm...interesting! Of course, malts are awesome so you shouldn't have insulted it anyway!
