Dave Saying Nothing Negative

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Hypothesis

Mike Smith, the minister on my support team, gave me a writing assignment.  Since I refer to my resolution to say nothing negative about anyone ever as an "experiment", he said I should write a hypothesis.  His question, "Dave what do you think the results of this experiment will be?"

Well I have said from the beginning the experiment will focus on three questions.
1.  Is it possible?
2.  How will it change the way people react to me?
3.  How will it change me?

Here is my best guess as to the outcome of these three areas over the next year.

1.  Is it possible?

No it is not possible.  At least it is not possible to the point of perfection, however I believe progress will be made and in the end that may be all we can hope for in life.

2.  How will it change the way people react to me?

I believe there will be less conflict in all of my relationships, personal and business.  By refusing to say anything negative about anyone I believe it will help the people I deal with to more openly communicate their feelings with me.  I believe if I am less negative, the people in my life will be less negative toward me.

3.  How will it change me?

I believe by eliminating negative communication I will gradually have fewer negative thoughts.  I believe not making negative comments will force me to think of more positive things to communicate.  I believe the long term effect of this practice will create in me the ability to more quickly recognize the positive side of situations and people.  In short, I expect this process to help me waste less time and be more productive by shortening the length of time it takes me to move through and past my negative reactions and feelings and into working for positive outcomes.  I believe this process will lead me to a happier, more satisfied life.

Wow!  I'm expecting quite a lot aren't I?  I really don't want to get caught up in these expectations though.  I simply want to do the best I can to maintain my resolution and let the results happen.  Now that I've expressed my hypothesis on the outcome, I will speak to my team about their ability to measure the results.

Are these accurate expectations?  God willing, I will be able to tell you at the end of the year.

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